Bangladesh – Screening Day
We received a flowery and passionate welcome by the staff at Rangpur Community Medical College hospital.
Our greeters included the Minister of Director for Rangpur District (northwest Bangladesh), professors, presidents, and many other dignitaries dressed in fine suits.
After the ribbon was cut (we’re not quite sure why there was a ribbon), and the flower petals were tossed, we set off to work.
Prospective patients from all over the region arrived, many boarding in the hospital awaiting our arrival. The surgeons kicked off the process by evaluating the patients; once cleared for surgery they had a medical record created by CSI staff.
The CSI nurses involved and trained local nurses while they did their assessments, and the pediatricians worked with local dentistry interns who acted as interpreters.
It was a successful day; every patient who arrived for screening was seen and we have set up our plan for the next five days. Surgery starts tomorrow morning.