Camaraderie and Trust – Ethiopia Fall 2018
As I walked into the operating room this morning, I was met with many emotions. The most significant was the excitement to care for children whose lives would be forever changed and to work beside those who would make that happen.
As a nurse in a small rural hospital, there is a feeling of camaraderie with those I work with. I can tell you that the feeling here is much the same. To work with people of varying specialties and background, who wish to improve the lives of children, along with the willingness to share this knowledge in order to reach even more, is remarkable.
Today, as I held the hand of a little girl as she drifted off to sleep for her surgical procedure, I realized how different life would be for her when she woke. It is humbling to know what trust patients and their families have in another’s ability to make that happen. It also validates how important it is that this kind of work continue in order to change as many lives as possible.
I am just as excited for the following days and the thought of the very same wonderful and life-changing events to come for so many more little ones. I know that they have certainly changed mine.
Malane Thelan ~ CSI OR Nurse
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